New Look Website
On Thursday 22nd December 2022 Oaktree Technology launched it’s new look website into the public domain. This move came with the companies constant messaging of being proactive and flexible to change. Oaktree keep an open mind, which allows them to adapt to their customers' needs quickly, cultivate a great working environment for the team and deliver the best results.
Asked why the need for a new look website Owner and Director Andy Turnbull said…
“The reliance on technology has never been so in the face of us all over the past 24 months with all companies needing to adapt and change to the new world we now live in. We are no different to this and ever changing the way we work to make sure we are giving our clients exactly what they are looking for. Meetings over MS Teams and Zoom are great but the one thing that can never be replicated are those first impressions you get when Face-to-face in a meeting.
One thing we have learnt is that so many prospective customers are using websites as a way to gain this first impression so we took a look to see what our website was saying about us. Not only this I asked some of our clients what they think our website should look like based off knowing who we are. And now we have a website to match who we are as a company.”